My Christmas Wishlist for next year.

Best wishes this Holiday season! I am truly thankful and blessed this year.

As we sit around enjoying our first Christmas at home together in 5 years I have been reflecting on my Christmas wishes for next coming years. I am really hoping we will have someone to share next Christmas with.


Make tons of cookie dough and freeze it

Have a cookie party the second weekend of December

Elf on the Shelf w/ the 12 days of Christmas theme closer to the holiday

Watch Holiday movies on the weekends

Make an ornament each year

Make a special holiday project each year: Gingerbread houses, frosting snowflakes, etc

Camp out in front of the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve eve

Have an Advent Calendar, that is all activities


Letters to Santa

Drive around and look at Holiday lights

On Christmas Eve:

We will open one gift before going to bed: Holiday PJ’s that match for the whole family.


Play a board game, watch The Grinch cartoon, read Twas the Night Before Christmas, and get Christmas morning breakfast ready.


Christmas Day: 

Have a 4 gift rule for everyone in the family, that way we don’t have too much stuff to move with


Have warm Cinnamon Rolls for the kids when they wake up

Play holiday music while unwrapping gifts

A full day in our P.J.s enjoying all the gifts

Baking Cookies all afternoon

Watching Christmas movies all day long

What traditions do you and your family have? 





Christmas week recap

Hoping that you all had an amazing Christmas and are looking forward to the coming new year! This year was the first time in our relationship that Jrod and I got to spend Christmas together. I have always been working, and since that adventure is over we decided to drive out to Tucson one last time before moving across the country.

We had a great time, the first night we have cabbage rolls with Jrod’s parents and aunt & uncle then played a crazy game of Uno! They are out for blood!

The next night we went to Jrod’s aunt & uncle’s house where Jrod climbed the mountain that they have a for a back yard. I think he was planning to do it because he dresses in his hiking boots and hiking pants. He made it all the way to the top, and along the way investigated a fallen cactus & tried to put solar lights out for his uncle. We had tamales for dinner and introduced the whole family to Apples to Apples, it was a kick!

Jrod's aunt and uncles' backyard!
Jrod’s aunt and uncles’ backyard!

For Christmas Eve we had Linguine and Clams, broccoli slaw, and everything bread for dinner. We again played a great game of Apples to Apples.

For Christmas we opened gifts at Jrod’s parents house, then watched one of our favorite comedians Jim Gaffigan. He is a riot! I can’t tell you how many times we have watched his specials on Netflix over the past month.

Jrod's parents house
Jrod’s parents house

Afterwards we went back over to his aunt & uncle’s house for Christmas afternoon/dinner. We had homemade tacos/ build your own and they hit the spot!

Christmas Village
Christmas Village
The amazing fireplace cover! I LOVE IT!!
The amazing fireplace cover! I LOVE IT!!
Jrod and Wesley talking about gifts
Jrod and Wesley talking about gifts

Jrod and his cousin Colby.  He is Axel Rose in a Guns N Roses cover band.
Jrod and his cousin Colby. He is Axel Rose in a Guns N Roses cover band.
All the girls!
All the girls!

That was our Christmas, how was yours?

It’s that time of the year- Christmas Survey!

I found this on the Lexi’s blog, called Fit Kitten. Her top picture of the kitty is just too cute, I smile every time! Lexi reminds me of myself when I was younger and I have always loved yoga too! Her workout log will make anyone feel the need to get up and moving.

Lexi had this really fun Christmas Survey posted and I just had to do it too. This is my favorite time of the year, but with moving no decorations, baking, or even gifts this year. I do have to say though that I feel that I have already gotten my gift just being home with my family more.

1. Eggnog or hot chocolate?

Hot Chocolate hands down, while Jrod is all for the Eggnog

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?

He writes the tags, but just puts them under the tree

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?

I LOVE snowflakes, so everything on the outside of the house is either snowflakes or blue/white lights. Inside the house it is white lights on the tree, but colored everywhere else.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?

Nope, and I have never known anyone who does this.

5. When do you hang your decorations up?

We normally start the weekend of Thanksgiving, due to the love of the holiday. The first Saturday after Thanksgiving I bust out Miracle on 34th street and it’s all over.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish?

Green Bean Casserole, hands down. Second would be mashed potatoes.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child.

Every year when I lived at home I would get instant lottery tickets in the my stocking. I scratched off the first one and it was $100! I ran around the house yelling and dancing while my parents didn’t believe me. The next one was a loser, then $5.00, and finally a free ticket. I saved the money for our Disney trip that year.

8. What is on your Christmas wishlist?

This year: time with Jrod’s family, watching the Disney Christmas parade, and having our first Christmas together since we started dating over 4 years ago. (I normally worked from 8am-6pm or later that night)

9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve?

No, but I really like the idea of opening 1 gift of new pj’s so you have something new/fun to wear the morning of. When I have kids that will be on the to do list, along with Elf on the Shelf.

10. How do you decorate your tree?

Our tree has built in lights, so we just put up the ornaments. No theme, just ones that I really like.

11. Snow? Love it or dread it?

LOVE IT!! and miss it!! I am hoping next year to have Christmas back home in Erie, PA since we will be close enough to drive there.

12. Real tree or fake tree?

Fake, my cats would eat the real one.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?

It’s a tie: My snowflake necklace from TIffany’s that Jrod got me for our first Christmas; every year since I have moved to Texas I get a hand-made hat and blanket from my Mom. I wear it all winter with pride and tell everyone it’s from my Mom.

14. What’s the most important thing about Christmas for you?

I love to bring a smile to people’s faces, that I will really miss this year not working my job. Now it’s that I get to spend time with my family.

15. What is your favorite holiday desert?


16. What is your favorite tradition?

When I was a kid we would have Christmas Eve with my Dad’s side of the family. We would eat, open all the gifts, but the BEST part was the board games at the end of the night that we would play for hours. Best Christmas memories ever.

17. What tops your tree?

It’s a little star that I have had for a couple of years. I would really like a Mickey Mouse Christmas topper, but I don’t think Jrod is ready for that yet.

18. Do you prefer giving or receiving?

Giving!! I love going on the hunt for that perfect gift and watching my friends and family open them up. I LOVE seeing the smile/you get it look in their face.

19. What is your favorite Christmas song?

All I Want for Christmas, Love Actually version.

20. Candy canes, yuck or yum?

Not a big fan, but will put the small ones in my hot chocolate

21. Favorite Christmas movie?

Tie: White Christmas and Miracle on 34th Street. Don’t get me started on the Hallmark movies though, I could watch them for days!

22. What do you leave for Santa?

Milk and Cookies with carrots for the reindeer.

23. Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?

Our first Christmas together I got up super early before work that morning and made Paul Deen’s baked French Toast. I would like to be that person who is up super early and baking amazing breakfast for when the family to wake up to.

24. Do you prefer to shop on line or at the mall?

Online (yeah Etsy!), but clothes in person

25. Christmas letter or card?

I love sending out Christmas Cards, but for the family I always write a letter in them.

What about you?

Our Holiday Adventure in Southern Florida!

This year we switched when we went and saw each others families, I got Christmas!!! Well, as close to Christmas as I could with my job 🙂 It was a blast! We had Thanksgiving Dinner *amazing* and did Christmas presents too!!

Here is the trip in pictures:

On are way to the Tree Lightening Downtown
Downtown Punta Gorda tree lightening.
Fisherman's Wharf after the Tree Lightening.
Being silly 🙂 or my family can not take good pictures 🙂
At the Tree Lightening. Mom's rules we all have to wear hats!
My mom and a random dog in an Art Store.
Best Sign outside of a one stall bathroom 🙂

It was a blast and time was too short. It was also a sad time because our oldest dog, Smokey, was starting to act odd. My Dad took her to the vet after we left and she had a brain tumor and passed away two weeks later. It was for the best, she was in a lot of pain while we were there. Jrod told me to give extra love to her, so many many extra treats were given to her and not the other two. We got her when my Grandpa B. died in 1999, then Grandma B. three weeks later, losing her was almost like losing them all over again. It was so very hard, and she will be very much missed.

We love and miss you Smokey