Being a Geek at heart, my review of Elder Sign

One game that we can’t get enough of in our house is currently Elder Signs by Fantasy Flight games.

This is a 1-8 player game that has lots of moving parts to it, but it really fun! When we play we each pick two characters, we just feel it makes the game interesting. In the game your character has special things they can do, get, or make happen within the game. I like this game for all the different characters, but also that it is a co-op game so everyone is on the same team with the same goals.

You need to beat the monster (different each game) from coming out, you have doom tokens that you get each ‘hour’ you play along with earning elder signs which will stop the monster. Each monster has a different amount of elder signs needed to stop it, so it is always a bit different. There are also mini monsters that come out during the game play and each time the clock hits midnight a new situation happens. Sometimes it’s a goal, and sometimes it a challenge that you have to beat before the next strike of the clock. It’s a fast pace and fun group game.

Here is the Table Top video of the game being played:

Here is the Fantasy Flight info video to get you in the mind-set to play!

What games are you playing this week?

What is the newest game you have discovered?