Orange Pomanders, a NEW Holiday Tradition!

I will be the first person to tell you that in my family we really only had two Christmas Traditions; having a pizza party at my Grandma B’s to decorate the tree and on Christmas Eve after all the dishes were done and presents open playing a mean board game, it changed every year. Once my Grandma B. pasted all that was gone, so my last real Christmas happened in 1998 which was a while back. My Mom started the tradition of making me a hat and matching blanket each christmas a couple of years back, and I look forward to it all year! I am currently sitting here wrapped up in Blanket 2011 right now.

My 2011 Blanket, I have been awake for about 15 mins now so don't judge.

My goal for once I have children is to have many fun traditions that they will pass along to their children, have no doubt that board game Christmas Eve will be back! While surfing my favorite blogs most are posting about different recipes that they are making this holiday season, but one of my favorites; Joy the Baker always has something good for me. I made these on Sunday when I was finally starting to feel human again and going out of my mind. I needed something to do but still tried very easily, which in my mind means Arts & Crafts time!! Joy posted on her blog about Orange Pomanders, which I have NEVER heard of but I have been sheltered for a long time.

I always like to read the comments about a new project to see if I can get any hints from people, and on this one it seems that it was about 50/50, either people already had this as a tradition or were like me and just starting. I am so happy to say that it is SO easy, fast, and really fun. I find those are the best kinds of crafts. My friend Torie made this AMAZING wreath last week out of peppermints, no clue even where to start with that one or how she had the patience to glue each on. She is one of my craft hero’s who I so want to be like when I have a little more time ie: get a non 50-80 week job. Now on to the craft!!

You need four, yes FOUR whole items to do this craft:
Whole Cloves
A fun bowl or vase
and lastly

You can tie the yarn away way you would like on the oranges and make the cloves in what ever pattern you would like too! It is also not as messy as one would like poking holes into oranges. Here are some examples:

This is one of mine

This is from Joy the Baker

Finished products looked like:


I also had a helper during my craft time:

Chi is just too cute!!